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Extended Collection

IMPORTANT: specify that new fields have to be nullable and explain why, because they can't be filled on creation

Extended Collection Example

In this example tutorial we are going to extend the collection entity and add some fields to it and automatically generate a ui and endpoints to edit those fields from our Admin Dashboard and fetch them from our store front.

In this example we are going to add the following fields to the collection entity:

  • Thumbnail
  • Description
  • Keywords

Your are free to customize the fields depending on your needs.

Install and Configure the Plugin

Refer to this two steps of the Getting Started Tutorial for that:

Create and Extend Collection Entity

Start by creating a new product-collection file under the src/models directory. And add to it the ncessary fields.

import { Column, Entity } from "typeorm";
import { ProductCollection as MedusaProductCollection } from "@medusajs/medusa";
export class ProductCollection extends MedusaProductCollection {
    @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
    description?: string | null;
    @Column({ type: "string", array: true, nullable: true })
    keywords?: string[] | null;
    @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
    thumbnail?: string | null;

Add Ultimate Decorators

This decorators will tell the plugin what UI to generate for your entity.

import { Column, Entity } from "typeorm";
import { ProductCollection as MedusaProductCollection } from "@medusajs/medusa";
import {
} from "medusa-plugin-ultimate/dist/index";
  isBuiltInEntity: true,
  hidden: true,
export class ProductCollection extends MedusaProductCollection {
        type: UltimateEntityFieldTypes.STRING,
    @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
    description?: string | null;
        type: UltimateEntityFieldTypes.STRING_ARRAY,
    @Column({ type: "string", array: true, nullable: true })
    keywords?: string[] | null;
        type: UltimateEntityFieldTypes.IMAGE,
    @Column({ type: "varchar", nullable: true })
    thumbnail?: string | null;

Extend Collection Entity Validators

Built-In entities are updated through default medusa endpoints. This is why we need to extend those endpoints validators in order to accept new fields and validate them.

In the same file where you created and extended the product collection your entity src/models/product-collection.ts:

import { Column, Entity } from "typeorm";
import { Product as MedusaProduct } from "@medusajs/medusa";
import {
} from "medusa-plugin-ultimate/dist/index";
  isBuiltInEntity: true,
  hidden: true,
export class Product extends MedusaProduct {
    // code...
import { IsString, IsOptional } from "class-validator";
import { registerOverriddenValidators } from "@medusajs/medusa";
import { AdminPostCollectionsReq as MedusaAdminPostCollectionsReq } from "@medusajs/medusa/dist/api/routes/admin/collections/create-collection";
import { AdminPostCollectionsCollectionReq as MedusaAdminPostCollectionsCollectionReq } from "@medusajs/medusa/dist/api/routes/admin/collections/update-collection";
class AdminPostCollectionsReq extends MedusaAdminPostCollectionsReq {
    description?: string | null;
    thumbnail?: string |null;
    @IsString({ each: true })
    keywords?: string[] | null;
class AdminPostCollectionsCollectionReq extends MedusaAdminPostCollectionsCollectionReq {
    description?: string | null;
    thumbnail?: string |null;
    @IsString({ each: true })
    keywords?: string[] | null;

Create Required Migrations

Migrations are SQL code that'll be run on your database to sync your entites structure to your database schema.

  • 1 run the command to generate a file + show the empty file
  • 2 write onto the file
  • 3 run the migration

To know more about migrations refer to:

Experiment with UI

New fields will appear on the collection page at the bottom and can be edited only after creating the collection (they are not visible on the creation form).


Access New Fields From StoreFront

New fields that you extended will be automatically available when you fetch collection(s) from default medusa endpoints.