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Fetch Documents from StoreFront

Fetch Documents From StoreFront

After creating documents for your entity (blog-posts for exampe) you'll want to access those documents from your storefront and you can access them via two different endpoints:

Detailed Documentation About Available Endpoints.

Get all entity documents

  • GET <BACKEND_URL>/store/ultimate-entities/<ULTIMATE_ENTITY_ID>/documents

    replace <BACKEND_URL> with your backend url.

    replace <ULTIMATE_ENTITY_ID> with your entity id, in our example the entity BlogPost id is blog_post.

    =>RETURN: It'll return all your entity documents.

Get entity document by Id

  • GET <BACKEND_URL>/store/ultimate-entities/<ULTIMATE_ENTITY_ID>/documents/<DOCUMENT_ID>

    replace <BACKEND_URL> with your backend url.

    replace <ULTIMATE_ENTITY_ID> with your entity id, in our example the entity BlogPost id is blog_post.

    replace <DOCUMENT_ID> with the document id.

    =>RETURN: It'll return the corresponding document.