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Ordered Entities Documents

Ordered Entities


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Ordering-Demonstration-Gif screenshot

Enabling this feature will enable the documents to be draggable and orederable, the position (rank) of each document will be stored in the column of your choise.

Create your Entity and Migrations

Before starting we assume that you already have an entity and created migrations for it, if it's not the case we invite you to follow one of the available examples / tutorials:

In the following example we will work on the following entity:

import { BeforeInsert, Column, Entity } from "typeorm";
import { BaseEntity } from "@medusajs/medusa";
import { generateEntityId } from "@medusajs/medusa/dist/utils";
import {
} from "medusa-plugin-ultimate";
export class Location extends BaseEntity {
  @Column({ type: "varchar" })
    type: UltimateEntityFieldTypes.STRING,
  name: string | null;
  @Column({ type: "varchar" })
    type: UltimateEntityFieldTypes.STRING,
  address: string | null;
  private beforeInsert(): void {
    this.id = generateEntityId(this.id, "location");

It's a Location Entity that represents our physical store locations and we want them to be ranked / have position (we kept our entity as minimal as possible but you are free to add any other fields / relations you need).

Add the position (rank) field (column)

This field will be used by the plugin to store the document position, you can use it in your storefront to order the document and to know it's position (rank).

import { BeforeInsert, Column, Entity } from "typeorm";
import { BaseEntity } from "@medusajs/medusa";
import { generateEntityId } from "@medusajs/medusa/dist/utils";
import {
} from "medusa-plugin-ultimate";
export class Location extends BaseEntity {
  @Column({ type: "varchar" })
    type: UltimateEntityFieldTypes.STRING,
  name: string | null;
  @Column({ type: "varchar" })
    type: UltimateEntityFieldTypes.STRING,
  address: string | null;
  @Column({ type: "integer", nullable: true })
  position?: number | null;
  private beforeInsert(): void {
    this.id = generateEntityId(this.id, "location");

Note: the name of the position (rank) column (field) can be anything you want and don't necessarily have to be "position".

Create the necessary Migrations

Migrations are SQL code that'll be run on your database to sync your entites structure to your database schema.

  • 1 run the command to generate a file + show the empty file
  • 2 write onto the file
  • 3 run the migration

To know more about migrations refer to:

Experiment with the UI


Fetch Data from StoreFront

  • the plugin will ensure that your documents position are valid (always start from 0 and there is no gap between document positions).
  • the new position (rank) column (field) you added will be available just like all the other fields when you fetch your document(s).
  • list endpoints
  • endpoints doc
